Noa Avriel- Avni Ph.D

Research Area:
Environmental Education & Ecology
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My main research interest is human-environment relationships, Sense of Place in drylands social-ecological systems and environmental education.
Most of my research is done in a participatory action research and transdisciplinary research approaches, using thematic analysis of narrative interviews and analysis of knowledge development in a group using a semiotic evolution approach.
In addition, I serve as a botanist of the Mitzpe Ramon branch.
Currently, I am heading a Long-Term Social-Ecological platform of the Negev Highlands (LTSER) and serve as the director of the Mitzpe Ramon branch of the Science Center.
As a person and as a researcher, I am deeply connected to the desert environment of the Negev Highlands and the Makhteshim Country.
My training course began with a combination of biology and geology (MA), continued through a MSc in plant physiology and finally a doctorate and specialization in “Environmental education based on ecological thinking”.
Besides, I taught courses at Ben-Gurion University and the following MEd courses in environmental education at the Kibbutzim College: Urban ecosystems; Socio-ecological systems, Environmental citizenships, Action research and Academic writing.
Areas of interest:
- Sense of Place
- Drylands Social-Ecological Systems
- Participatory Action Research
- Science & Environmental Education
Active Research:
- Develop a long-term monitoring measures of sense of place in the I-LTSER network
- Development of a model for making science studies accessible to the periphery through distance learning
- Constructing a systemic method for agriculture in the upper basin of Nahal Zin through long-term participatory research
- Botany at Nahal Gvanim Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) station, Maktesh Ramon.